This is one of the newly built multiplex movie complex in chennai named EA(EXPRESS AVENUE) MALL at Whites Road(Royapettah) .The Mall has high class RESTUARANTS, SPA, GAMES, ATM, CINEMA LOUNGE,BIG BAZAAR, MOBILE & BRANDED SHOW ROOMS, and ALL BRANDED stuffs. The movie lounge has 8 cinema screens , six small halls with a seating capacity of 100 and two large halls with a seating capacity of 300 pple. It has equipped with features like RDX (Real Digital Experience) and 3D RDX with a good digital surrounds.
Click on the below link to hang out for movie, tourists do not miss this Malls if your in chennai. SKYWALK: AMPA SKYWALK is also a multiplex complex with a covered parking over all floors located at poonamalle high road, Aminjikarai chennai-29.It has food stuffs, fun games, hotel, shopping carts showrooms like ADIDAS, ALLEN SOLLY , REEBOK, STAR BAZAAR, PEPE JEANS, LEE and many branded and exclusive objects. It had a cinema lounge named PVR CINEMAS premium Multiplex Cinema and DTS surround system.Click on the below link to book movie tickets. CENTER: CHENNAI CITY CENTER is the building built after a spencer shopping mall, the people who get bored often going to spencers, they celebrate and started shopping in CITY CENTER.After this mall ran successfully and people started moving to this mall after spencers, so this makes to build few more complex like (AMPA skywalk and EA mall). The shopping mall was most welcomed by chennai people and often moving out in all weekends.CITY CENTER has health & glow,Louis phillippe, Arrow, Food court, Pizza hut, Arabian hut,CINEMA COMPLEX Park avenue, Lifesytle, KFC, Van heusen and many showrooms, food stuffs, etc.,
To book movie tickets online click on the below link. CINEPLEXES: Cinemas brings another revolution to movie audiences in India - 3D movies in RDX using the Master Image Digital 3D technology. Digital 3D adds a new dimension to movies, providing an immersive experience that engages the audience with realistic colour and sharp images. The system interfaces with the Qube XP-D Digital Cinema Servers are capable of playing 3D content and comply with the Hollywood Studio approved DCI specifications.
To book movie tickets online click on the below link. book tickets all over INDIA click the below links select your city, register and hang out for movie with your beloved ones: MOVIES ONLINE BOOKING